Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dennis Shirk former Classroom Connect staffer is the Producer of Civilization 5 coming next year from Firaxis Games... Nice!
Week 14 | Insanity-P90X-P90X+-One on One-Hybrid Workouts
P90X Yoga X + ATC Mountain Bike Ride
My 30-Week Beachbody Hybrid Calendar

Thursday... Always a great day for some Yoga with Tony Horton and pals, P90X style. Stretch, stress all the major muscle groups, breathe deeply... can't go wrong. Love the burn in the legs, the pump in the arms, and the endorphins all around. So good.

Warning: And now, I step on my political soap box for a few seconds...

Glad to see new support cropping up for the health care bill before Congress. It's amazing our friends in the tea parties and on Conservative talk radio think anyone who thinks differently than they do (as in, "NO to all things OBAMA") are looking for a handout. Too easy, folks. I think health care is a basic human right; we all pay in, we all benefit. Having shareholders of for-profit companies legally entitled to profits over the health and on-going life of their customers is wrong.

Just look how this tea party group verbally and physically assaults a man with Parkinson's. This guy doesn't say a word; he was born with this disease.

Like most Conservative Republicans, the answer is "no handouts, go get 4-6 jobs, everyone can, you're lazy!" God forbid anyone in their families gets cancer or any genetically-based disease. They'll cut off their own kin in the name of not helping ALL Americans get the basic health care they need. It's shameful. Here's hoping the bill passes, and soon.

Because, folks, what is the true cost of inaction on health care reform? Watch this...

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