Monday, June 22, 2009

Here comes Peanut!

P90X | Week 5
Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Reps + Routine: 100%
Nutrition/Eating Log

Exciting Monday shaping up! JoAnne, Will's Aunt, and Doug, his namesake Uncle, are at the hospital in Washington, DC, and Lil' Peanut is about to be born. We can't wait to see the newest Kinyon and Duffy child -- take care guys, be healthy and strong, and all three of you are in our prayers!

Father's Day was a very good, relaxing blur of breakfast in bed, presents, a long, long hike on the Tobacco Trail together as a family, some ice cream out and about, an early dinner, Vacation Bible School kick off for Will, and a brief Cheesecake/coffee dessert in Cary. Yes, some deviation from the Eat Clean/P90X, but I'm human... breaks and some dessert a few times a year are OK in my book.

Enjoy your week, stay positive, keep pushing play, and keep JoAnne, Doug, and Peanut in your thoughts. All good karms points to our nation's capital.

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