Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wed., March 12 Workouts

P90X Back & Biceps + Ab Ripper X

I was never one for pull-ups. The handful of times we were challenged to pull a few off during gym class in school were, well, laughable. All but one or two of us couldn't do one, let alone 4-5, or *gasp* 16 reps at a time times 10ish like TODAY.

There's something innately masculine about saddling up to my chin-up bar in my doorway, resting my fingers over its padded length, extending my body down, down... then putting all those chest, back, and arm muscles to work to go UP UP UP, chin over, then down, down... again.



100% manly goodness -- 16 in a row till OUCH pause, do some bicep moves, then saddle up again, this time hands reversed. PULL... 10 or so sets during the entire workout.

Then, 55 minutes later, on to Ab Ripper X.

Every single move, keeping it real and strong, feeling the burny burny crunchy crunchy in the tummy, lifting the lower back off the floor, extending skyward, and using my breathing to keep things moving, modified sit-ups, more, more.

Love, love, love it. P90X is where the money is. For life.

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