Thursday, March 06, 2008

Thu., March 6 Workouts

P90X Yoga X & Extra Walk

I know, I know... Yoga day. Time to wax poetic about the breathing, the stretching, the wonderful sun salutations, the balance postures, the ooooooooooom's. All nice, all make me feel like $2M (100% more than you'd think!)

I'm noticing that my downward dogs lead to heels that are NEARLY touching the floor -- a huge improvement over Day One. The really, really long sequences of Warrior 1, 2, reverse warrior, etc. are straightforward, and my legs are solid as a rock.

Deb and Will are heading to the Zoo -- he's back to school next week after track-out -- and I have lots of work to plow through. Will do an extra lap at lunch around the ol' neighborhood and feel the calorie burn -- the scale read an awesome 185 straight up today.


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