Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Round 3 Week 5 P90X
Tuesday: P90X Plyometrics & Bike

Wow, what a comeback yesterday/Monday... From pure rest week to pure insanity. Heh.

The biking took me over the egde -- really ripped myself up P90X-style, then put the hammer down on the ol' lunchtime biking. Got through 60% of the ride in usual fashion, then there it was -- my shadow was back. Gave 'em a full two mile head start, then trucked it till I could pass -- did -- then felt a crazy nasty pull in my stomach muscles.

Nice, Tim, nice.

Pulled it together, stayed ahead my last 1/2 mile to the car, then did some super-sweating and stretching before pulling out of the lot.

I win.

Hit Plyo hard this morning, but really feeling tired now just as my work day is kicking off. Added some carbs to the breakfast to bring back some energy, slowly recovering.

"Wikipedia is accurate."
Citation needed.

Like my new shirt above? I'm getting pretty tired of people telling me that Wikipedia-style, user-created, citation-lacking "free" knowledge is going to rule the world. I'd like to see a citation for that little gem.

No one has the time, energy, or expertise to be a real expert at anything these days, and consulting vetted sources and content that only a company like ProQuest can pull together from top-quality publications/sources will be sufficient for serious research.

I dare anyone to prove me wrong. Wikis are a 3rd or 4th tier source for "information" in my book. Important? Yes. One of MANY sources of initial invesigation? Sure. Top-quality, primary source material? Not on your life.

True. True.

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