Thursday, June 26, 2008

Day 180 P90X Review Photos: Two Rounds Complete

Hard to believe that two full rounds -- one P90X Classic and one P90X+ Classic -- are complete. These photos show you what Tony Horton's amazing workouts can do for you IF you truly bring it to the workouts, and the diet. I'm 100% jazzed about moving to Round 3 -- do I do Lean? Doubles? ;)

Weight is down to 181 -- it likes to move up to 184 on Fridays/Sat's, then it seems to settle back to 180/181 early in the week. Odd, but consistent. My resting heart rate is way down, and my recovery times during the tough cardio workouts is the best its ever been. The sweat keeps coming, and it's all good.

Feel free to read back posts to follow the journey, or email me anytime via timothymclain at

1 comment:

Chris said...

Awesome keep up the good work!