Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Round 2 Week 9 P90X Plus
Tuesday: P90X+ Intervals & Abs Core Plus + Hot-er Trail Riding

Nice to get back to the ol' Intervals -- slow, medium, FLAT OUT -- sweat, sweat -- on to the next. Plyometrics = pretty crazy, but Intervals is even more intense in a shorter amount of time. Then tack on Abs Core like the cherry on top, and I'm a happy, sweaty guy.

A guy who smiled into the face of William yesterday as he proudly displayed his second lost tooth. Happened in school just before he got on the bus -- makes him sooo happy to be growing up and losing the pearly whites. Ms. Tooth Fairy brought him a gold coin last night, and now he wants to write a thank you note. Of course -- my good little man.

Lots to do today, still recovering from the morning's insanity, and looks like the last of our string of 100 degree days today... yikes. Down to a cool, crisp 93 tomorrow --LOL.

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