Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Round 3 Week 7 P90X
Tuesday: P90X Plyometrics + Lawn Sweatbath

Brought my bucket today, Tony, and filled it with some serious work -- Plyo-style. Up, down, all around, maxing the reps, feeling the burn, shredding those calories. (Pic above = sum total of all upper body/bi/tri/shoulder workouts to date. Is that my arm? Can't be.)

Just got the next One on One with Tony Horton DVDs -- Road Warrior? Nice. Looks like a bring-a-weight-band workout on the road and max your time in your hotel room. Just the kinda workout we don't yet have between P90X, P90X+, original Power 90, etc. Very, very handy. (Now to get a chance to watch it and verify this!)

Tons to do today, bring it!

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