Friday, February 29, 2008

Fri. Feb. 29 Workout(s)

P90X Legs & Back + Ab Ripper + Walk

Happy Leap-ing Year! Odd to have an extra day tacked onto February... but there it is.

Good ol' legs and back. Tons of pull-ups, some yummy wall squats (legs up OUCH NICE), the usually-good-painful triple threat of lower leg muscle lifts, and then... the topper... Ab Ripper X in all its glory.

My stomach feels tight, my back is solid, and my legs are quivering less and working more with each passing week.

Been pretty COLD down here, my walks have been pretty brisk, and the scale read a solid 186 last night. AMAZING to see the needle between 180 and 190 for the first time that I can ever recall.

Bringing it with the DIET and the routines. Awesome stuff.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thu. Feb. 28 Workout(s)

P90X Yoga X & Walk

It's amazing how energized I feel after an hour+ of Tony's P90X Yoga routine. From the deep breathing and stretches at the start, to tons of downward dogs/planks/push up moves/to swinging the legs through to warrior one and two, reverse warrior, and all the rest -- my heart gets pumping just enough to bring a sense of "working out," but at the same time, a sense of calm and focus.

Over the past weeks of doing this routine, I've steadily been able to extend the moves, bend more deeply, stretch to new depths, and send tons of welcome bloodflow to my once under-used joints and limbs/chest/back.

The sweat still comes, but my nerve endings vibrate through many of the moves, bringing an internal massage, and at the end -- so great -- my head is lighter, my whole body lifted up by the routine. It's heaven.

Makes me glad it's Thursday!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wed. Feb. 27 Workout

P90X Back & Biceps + Monster Ab Ripper X & Walk

Gotta love the ol' back and biceps... tons of goodness in there. The green band served me well, lots of resistance, plenty of sweat near the end. Still haven't gotten around to finding some cheap free weights on Craigslist. Dying to pick up some 40's with Tony and really get something going.

Lots on my plate today, Will is feeling better...

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tue. Feb. 26 Workout(s)

P90X Plyometrics & Walk

Ouch... Ever wake up in the early morning and feel... hot? As in temperature hot? Like a small fever that you don't immediately think is... a fever? Just warm. You know the house if a little chilly, and it's early and dark outside, but your forehead/entire body feels too warm to be normal.

Well, that was me... took a few extra breaks in the Plyo, jumpin' around like a madman, but still made it through everything. More sweat than normal, more WARM than normal all the way through, but still nailed everything.

Got to the end with a huge sigh of relief, snagged my protein shake w/strawberries and a banana, and waited for the siren call from William's room.

Instead of the usual "DAAADY where ARE you I WANT you?" chant at top volume, I heard little padded feet open his door, move into the bathroom, then... a pause and... faint crying.


Will caught a bug, and let's just say it's in his little warm tummy right now. Prolly picked it up at his friend Michael's birthday party on Sunday.

Big open room, bounce houses, basketball hoops, foosball tables, cake and... more cake... and every party slot in the new place filled with kids from all manner of learning establishments, bringing the unchecked viral load of thousands of kids to a single enclosed space.

Blamo. Infection.

Thinking that I'm processing the same/similar bug right now in my own way. Heck, I'll just BURN it out with some more P90X, right? ;)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Mon. Feb. 25 Workout(s)

P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps + Ab Ripper X + Walk

Week 8 begins!

Great to be back on the ground in NC and back to work -- but, heck, why not start the week with a few things I need to come clean on.

First, Ab Ripper X. I hate it, but I "love" it. I've been doggin' the last few moves for most of this first round of P90X.

No more.

Beginning with last weeks iterations, I've been focusing on form, bringing the serious burn/crunches to my midsection, and doing ALL of the moves. It hurts, hurts, hurts, and getting my lower back in the air for those moves about 80% of the way through the routine brings the most lovin' pain.

But I can see now that between my diet, the rest of the routines, and now FULL Ab Ripper, that this will be my key to success on deflating the remainder of this spare tire around my 37-year-old midsection.

Next, I took the entire day off yesterday. First time since I started the program that I actually slept in (till nearly 10!) and got my body back on track from CA to NC. I feel a touch guilty not walking or doing the stretch routine, but this crash really gave me the chance to rest, recharge, cook up some awesome steak chili for the family, and get some good calories into my body before hitting today (Monday) with some level of insanity.

Last, I'm excited as heck about last week. Travelling and exercise rarely go hand in hand, but thanks to a pretty open room layout and access to a fairly new workout room with good treadmills, I was able to do my regular workouts AND do some 3 mile-ish fast walks which brought the burn and an amazing amount of sweating. Nice, nice, nice.

One regret/oops -- my red band gave up the ghost during a bicep move. Woot! I mean... yikes. Gotta get some free weights I think next (here I come Craigslist) to get some lighter weights back in the homestead. I only have the cazy light green band atm, and it's tough to do the lighter weight moves with it.

So, red band, thank you. Thank you for sticking with me through 2007 for all of Power 90, and through more than half of P90X in my first round of 2008. May whatever landfill you fall into in sunny CA be a fitting reward for your months of service.

Ack, what am I saying? CA made me soft. Back to the good ol' NC/PA work ethic. Hut, 2, 3, 4...

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feb. 20-23 Workout(s)

Wed: P90X Yoga X & Evening Treadmill (3.2 Miles)

Thu: P90X Legs and Back + Day of Walking/Classes

Fri: P90X Core Synergistics + Ab Ripper X (Woah!)

Sat: P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps + Treadmill (3.0 Miles)

Sun: Rest (Getting back in the ET cadence post PT)

Oops. Mis-read the list of workouts for the week and swapped in Yoga on Wed. No biggie, I brought it and loved it... then headed to the airport.

I'm out here in San Diego at the Online Marketing Summit through the weekend. Should be a great time all around -- after I unpacked, I hit the workout room and burned 590 calories in a serious run on the treadmill.

Will keep to the awesome diet and get up early to workout before the sessions. Lookin' good.

Thu. awesome courses and started off with the ol' Legs & Back routine. Friday was all about the core, did Ab Ripper X first, then hit the Core Synergystics. What a combo!

Friday night I caved in to everything I've leared at OMS and made my FaceBook profile. Fun stuff!

Saturday, up early, working out (mixed up a serious bowl of Trouble Soup w/P90X then insane treadmill action), then heading to the airport for a noon-ish flight home from San Diego to NC.

Debbie and Will, here I come! ;)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tue. Feb. 19 Workout(s)

P90X Plyometrics


Once again, the Plyo X rocks the McLain house early in the 'morn, bringing tons of sweat, cat-like landings, and twisty moves to challenge the ol' balance and push my cardio response to the max. The Mary Katherine's were solid, the squatting jacks were superb, and Will got to watch the last 20 minutes or so.

"Daddy, can Tony see us?" he said after I made an off-hand remark to Mr. Spritely himself. "No Will, it's like a movie, but sometimes I pretend." ;)

That's one of the great side-effects of all of this effort. Since I kicked up everything 10 notches the first week of January, Will has closely watched my my diet changes and exercising -- he can do some pretty great push-ups and situps, and he's constantly asking us if what he's eating is on Daddy's Diet.

Just like always, he ardently refuses to eat french fries -- "they have lots of fat, and they're yukky" -- though he doesn't see having a small desert after every dinner as a big deal. ;)

All in all, it does my heart proud to know that he's taking this all in and will, I hope, remember that his Dad always tried to do his best for him/himself/and his family.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Thu. Feb. 14 - Mon. Feb. 18 Workout(s)

Thu.: P90X Yoga X
Fri: 3-4 hour walks: Washington, D.C. Monuments
Sat: 1 hour elliptical machine + biceps w/free weights
Sun: 45 min. Hill Climb on treadmill
Mon: P90X Chest, Shoulders Biceps

Ahhh Washington, DC... was a fruitful few days, managed to stick to my diet with very few deviations, and got in pretty good workouts daily in between events.

Phew -- I feel like just matching those goals was a pretty great accomplishment. My first outing from home and I "brought it" in a whole new way -- eating good on the road, sneaking in workouts, and staying on track.

Today, Monday, was amazingly awesome. Tons of push ups, feeling great, and the Ab Ripper X was awesome, as always. I *finally* have those moves pretty down, and am able to relax, center on my stomach muscles, and get a nice belly burn going. Nice, nice, nice. Energy off the charts at the end.

On another note, Week 6 is done! I wish it hadn't ended on trip away note, but it did. Here's the results -- my face doesn't look like... my face... anymore. :) With my beautiful bride Debbie in D.C. @ Doug and JoAnne's.

In total since I started my Power 90 journey in Jan. 07, then beginning P90X the first week of Jan. 08, I'm down from 230ish to a SOLID 190, straight up.

My scale loves me, methinks.

And to top it all off, you're looking at Tim above in a MEDIUM sized new black winter coat. First I've bought in years.

I can now actually buy clothes that fit my frame, rather than relying on the TONS of XL clothes in my closets/dressers that just hung off my body to "hide" my flab. No more. NO MORE!

I'll keep bringing it, only 50% of the way home!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wed. Feb. 13 Workout(s)

P90X Back & Biceps


Rarin' to go this morning -- tons of pull-ups, bicep/tricep work, lovin' the green band all around except the really crazy stuff. Made more reps than last week, feeling strong, and going for the rough, rough final three pulls on everything.

Finally got some nice rain last night. Amazing how fast we forget what puddles look like. We're set for H2O here in Apex, but our Raleigh neighbors are looking at a Lake that could be 100% gone by summer. Now that's a drought. Yikes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tue. Feb. 12 Workout(s)

P90X Plyometrics



How do I love thee?
Let me count the ways.

Squats for one,
side to side for two,
up and down for three,
Heisman's for four,
Peter Townsend's for five,
and , GASP, a racing heartbeat all the way through for six --
because I love you. Plyo.

What can I say? Valentine's Day coming up. ;)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mon. Feb. 11 Workout(s)

P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Remember last week -- I mean... wEAk? ;) Yea, you remember.

Well, my upper body still has turncoated on me strength-wise. Although I was able to hang in there much longer on all the push up moves, I did 50% of them on my darn knees. I felt the burn, lost strength till I couldn't push up or down anymore, etc... but come on Tony, buddy, pal.

Not sure when/why my upper body changed in this way -- I'm guessing that I've burned up all the available fat/easy fuel on my muscles, and now it's down to the grisle/raw energy. I'm pushing through it and feeling results, but it's a struggle folks!

Overall, though, I ate MUCH better last night, so I came into the workout with tons more energy vs. the Super Bowl 25% dinner solution that sapped me.

And my walk was a blast -- it's only about 55 here in the bright sun, so 75% of my dual laps was cold as heck/windy too, but the last section finally saw me warm up a bit. Nice all around.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sat. & Sun. Feb. 9-10 Workout(s)

Saturday: P90X Kenpo X
Sunday: P90X X Stretch

Punching and kicking my way to some amazingly sore thighs all weekend long... the stretch was a relief!

Regular walks, my normal route 2 X around my neighborhood = 5,700 steps, about two miles, lots of ups and down. Deb's pedometer from the library helped a ton. Wow... 2+ miles a day = makes me smile, and on top of the P90X.

Love it! Got some new clothes thanks to a nice gift cert. from my Dad/Xmas... Medium sizes, and 33 X 30 pants. Woah. I've been a 36-38 for as long as I can remember... sweet. ;)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Fri. Feb. 8 Workout(s)

P90X Legs & Back


Ahh yes, wall squat heaven. Everytime I shimmy up the the wall, it gets easier. I feel the burn a little less near the end, and it feels pretty darn good.

The pull ups were awesome, and I can see huge changes in my upper body. The wings are popping out below my arms, and man, P90X has really done a number on me. Lovin' it!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Thu. Feb. 7 Workout(s)

P90X Yoga X




Breathe... Yoga, good. Tony, crazy, but good. Body, relaxed. Energy, high.



Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Leading Issues: Podcast Contest

Have school-aged kids? Want free access to one of the coolest research tools around -- SIRS Researcher? Want to WIN an iPod? Have an opinion about the death penalty, abortion, the election and mind capturing it on video? Cool. Watch our video (better Flash version), then find out how to enter our podcast contest. Hurry, we need your 'cast by 4/11!

Wed. Feb. 6 Workout(s)

P90X Back & Biceps



My last new P90X workout... back and biceps. It's all about the green band, and 15 reps of insane bicep flexing. Then it's back to the pull-up bar for some crazy variations of... pull-ups. Woah. I was sweating, working, pulling, and lifting like a madman.

And then of course... Ab Ripper X at the end. Man o man. My stomach muscles really felt it today.


Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tue. Feb. 5 Workout(s)

P90X Plyometrics

Walk (warm and humid today, nice!)

Ahh yes, good ol' Plyo. Jumping, leaping, sweating, huffin', puffin', bringin' it. Back in the saddle, friends.

I realized that yesterday was a set up -- first, Super Bowl Sunday, late night, let myself have ONE pint and some hummus/pita chips. Not much else for dinner... then waking up a few hours later, hitting a new routine, after a week off, no nutritional support the night prior, new moves... ouch.

Today, different story. Ate my salmon and veges last night, lots of water, bed at the usual time, and BLAM hit Plyo like a madman. Made all the reps and moves, sweated like a pig, it was a little tougher than when last I'd done it, but it was awesome/fine/hard like it's gotta be!

Lovin' the new week... onward!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Mon. Feb. 4 Workout(s)

P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

Walk (warm today, 67 or so!)

Yikes. I think they need to rename the rest week to the lose-all-the-strength-in-your-arms-and-legs-week-while-you-work-your-core... week.

I'm hitting some insanely new pushup moves that I've never seen before and my arms are screaming at me -- STOP! So few darn reps, so much muscle confusion indeed.

I felt pretty messed up by the end -- lots of new moves -- uncomfortable -- but I'm actually glad to experience this. To me, this is what kicking things up a notch after four weeks SHOULD be like. The first weeks got me into a great routine, but I know my body was ready for something new.

Welcome to Phase Two bod -- bringing it!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Fri., Sat., Sun.  Workout(s)

P90X Kenpo X
P90X Core Synergistics
P90X Yoga X

Woah... nice end to the recovery week indeed. Kenpo is totally fun, core helps with the midsection, and the Yoga is divine. I'm getting better at all three as time goes on.

Very busy times at work and elsewhere, sorry for the short posts. In general, I'm feeling awesome going into Week 5, my diet has been on target, and the little scale needle is moving slowly from 195 to 194... 193... down, baby, down!

A little excited for the cool ads on Sunday night -- there's a football game in there too, right? Maybe. ;)