P90X Yoga X
40 minute walk
On a scale from 1 to 10, if we're talkin' flexibility and overall balance, I'm a pretty solid 5. Maybe 6. Right down the middle folks. Not at all super-flexy, but not unable to reach down and touch my toes or hold a basic stretch pose.
That said, this Yoga X routine -- clocking in at a whopping 90 minutes -- does a great job of helping me focus on flexibility, balance, and strength. Many of the moves were unfamiliar, of course, and trying to keep an eye on the Tonester whislt having my head turned away from the set was... not great.
And, I'll be honest, after the first 10 minutes were done, I wanted to stop. 10 minutes was about the grand total of Yoga time we got in Power 90, even if we weren't told that's what it was. Some upward/downward dogs, some warriors and a bit more, that was it.
But yikes... like all the other P90X routines, this one is pretty extreme. And I'm glad I checked the BB forums before I pushed play on this one. There's one move where you get on your back, put your hands/feet below you, and push yourself into the shape of a table/bridge. Great -- no problem, shakin' a bit, fine.
But then -- bingo -- the crazy peeps on the screen arch their backs. Think rainbow shape, arched back. CRAZY. No freakin' way. Ain't happenin'! Well, at least during my first week.
Then, later, we lay on our backs, legs straight up, then lean them back and OVER OUR HEADS down to the floor. Are you kidding me? In week one? With a solid 5 on the flexy scale? Nope. That's a recipe for ripping something, isn't it? ;)
Add to that about 300% more warriors/upward dogs/fancy dancers and my legs were quakin'. And at the end, I did my requisite OOOMMMsss. Cleansing. Nice. Fun even. Relaxing.
After it was all over, I ate my breakfast and assessed my body. Legs still sore? A bit less, but still sore. Rest of my body? Parts feel like they got fresh blood today -- as if they were starved/unused before now. (Duh.)
Am I just making it up? I don't think so. My forearms are mini-burning now, my back feels awesome, and my neck/head feel a bit like they're in a cloud. Rested, stretched, blood-rich, comfortable.
Perhaps I should have started this by saying that my main goals for today were:
1. Don't pull a muscle.
2. Do all the moves, focus on form/balance, not reps, but push as hard as I could without hurting myself.
3. Did I mention not pulling a muscle?
Success all around. Nice, nice, nice. I feel good, positive, cleansed, and stretched in ways I didn't think were possible.
I loved pushing play today.
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