Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sat. Jan. 12 Workout(s)

P90X Kenpo X

40 minute walk

I gotta say that the final move in this workout is 100% insanely fun, crazy, and energizing. After a full hour give or take of punching and kicking in new, crazy ways, your legs and arms are burning, you've assaulted a make-believe person in front of you with numerous impacts ;) and then, when it's just about done, Tony has us do raised punches, as if we're punching a pinata above our heads.

Punch, punch, punch, punch... 20 down... next 20... faster, punch punch punch... 40 more... FASTER FASTER fists flying backandforthupanddown FAST FAST then the final 20 to reach 100 INSANELY FAST PUNCHPUNCHPUNCH then the 100 BLINKS TILT TILT AND WE KEEP GOING AND GOING!!!!!!

Think that captured it -- along with the huge grin on my face. Yup, that was Xtreme Tony. AND a heck of a lot of fun to boot.

My body feels well-abused, my walk with Dave, Noah, and William was refreshing, and the day down here in NC is bright and sunny.

Feeling good and ready for my Stretch rountine tomorrow to end my first full week with this crazy/cool program. I'm even more motivated today than I was when I started, I'm enjoying the diet, and when I look in the mirror I'm seeing results.

Can't WAIT to see how I'll look at 30, 60, and 90 days!

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