Tuesday, August 11, 2009

P90X | Week 10
Mountain Biking
Nutrition/Eating Log

Wow, my hip is out. Wayy out. Tried to get out of bed for a Plyometrics workout, and my right pelvis area was having none of it. Sore. Out of place. No good jumping up and down on that area. So, will suit up and brave the heat for a nice long bike ride over lunch, still get the ol' 750-900 calories shredded. Nice.

Lunch poetical update...

Trail: For I have crossed the Rubicon, bridge last feet 'plete
Half mile ahead, clear and 'creted
Till workers I did meet, then retreat
Twenty-ish miles on my feet, bike 'twirl'd
Hot and sweaty Tuesday thrill'd

NOOB Boyfriend Gets PWND: If WOW was somehow cool and a prereq to successful dating!

P90X: Take Action!
Jimmy Hays Nelson is a Beachbody Coach. He's done P90X and worked with Tony Horton, the inventor and host of the workouts. Let Jimmy inspire you like he's inspired me! (2006 vs. 2009 photo P90X review proof.) Buy your copy of the P90X DVDs, then sign up (free!) to get Jimmy as your personal BB Coach. Bolster your food plan by tracking your calories with fitday.com (guys, 2,000 cals a day), and consider adding Shakeology to your daily food intake -- it's like going to the salad bar with five plates. If you're already a P90X user, take the next step and be a coach with Jimmy's help. Keep pushing play, bring it, A+ P90X review!

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