Thursday, August 20, 2009

Celebrities Using P90X: It's REAL People!

From Mr. Tony Sawyer Horton himself via FaceBook note today, well-known people who review P90X and give it an A+, X-ME shout-out!

There are plenty of companies paying celebrities and athletes big money to endorse their products and with P90X athletes and celebrities ask us to endorse the program for nothing, because they love it. Dozens more Twitter about it or let the world know through Facebook and other social networks.

If you can add to the list, let me know.

Here's the list that I have:

1. Cheryl Crow
2. Ashton Kutcher
3. Demi Moore
4. Usher
5. Ewan McGregger
6. Jenny Garth
7. Poppy Montgomery
8. Emmett Smith
9. Ray Lewis
10. David Akers
11. Donovan McNabb
12. Brian Westbrook
13. Matt Diaz
14. Kelly Slater
15. Barry Zito
16. Bryce Dallas Howard
17. Kenny Smith
18. Jo Jo Reyes
19. Brian Wilson
20. Pink
21. Joey Fatone
22.John Hartung ~ Local news and sports
23. Paul Ryan ~ Congressman - R
24. Heath Schuler ~ Congressman - D
25. Ray Allen

P90X: Take Action!
Jimmy Hays Nelson is a Beachbody Coach. He's done P90X and worked with Tony Horton, the inventor and host of the workouts. Let Jimmy inspire you like he's inspired me! (2006 vs. 2009 photo P90X review proof.) Buy your copy of the P90X DVDs, then sign up (free!) to get Jimmy as your personal BB Coach. Bolster your food plan by tracking your calories with (guys, 2,000 cals a day), and consider adding Shakeology to your daily food intake -- it's like going to the salad bar with five plates. If you're already a P90X user, take the next step and be a coach with Jimmy's help. Keep pushing play, bring it, A+ P90X review!

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