Friday, February 06, 2009

Driving loyalty and revenues through distributed experiences
Warren Raisch, Chief Customer Officer, Digitaria Interactive

Global Night Commute: I Got Soul
80,000 kids showed up the event, got 250,000 cell phone numbers
Event to highlight Africa campaign, change the world
Social networking experiment, move kids to get involved in this issue.
Use the Web to gather their cell information, call them at night, all gathered at a local park/location.

Invisible Children: Schools for Schools

How digital media can not only drive revenue for an organization but also for a greater cause.
Raised $7.6M, went back to Africa, got people out of camps and rebuilding homes and schools.

Put up a FaceBook application, lost some soul of the campaign, and moved traffic from their better website over to FB and saw activity drop, watch how FB affects your overall campaign.

$700K investment, generating $7M a year in donations...

Also check -- Qualcomm -- real life videos about how people can use mobile technology to better their lives. (Same for our users/customers, how they affect their life?)

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