Friday, July 31, 2009

P90X | Week 8
Wed: P90X Back & Biceps
Thu: P90X Yoga X (Truncated)
Fri: One on One with Tony Horton PlyoLegs (ROCKED)
Nutrition/Eating Log

Wed. = Excellent workout, lots of pull-ups and bicep work, used the 30's for most moves, downshifted to 20's near the end... Arms shaking. Solid breakfast. Then my usual mid-morning snack = Shakeology. A must-have mini-meal, amazing feeling after eating it, excellent nutrition to fill in the cracks, and my weight has been sticking to my goal. I feel it helping, and it can help you too.

On to more ProQuest video production -- working my way through the 44 pages of the all new eLibrary -- then SIRS... Great to be busy!

Thu.: Happy anniversary Deb -- my wife, my lover, my friend, 15 years... Too great!

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