Friday, May 29, 2009

P90X | Week 1
Legs & Back
Reps + Routine: 100%
Nutrition/Eating Log

Wall squats for the crazy-workout-win... Sweaty-city, made it all the way through, awaiting the usual sore-weekend-legs. Hope you have a productive Friday ahead!

Just realized, in looking back at some old posts, that this is technically my 6th round of P90X/P90X+ -- really had a setback doing ChaLEAN and NOT monitoring my food intake better.

The more time that goes by, the more I realize how critical it is to keep a food journal -- offline or on -- track calories, keep it -- for me at least -- between 2,000 and 2,200 calories a day -- focus on protein more than carbs in the balance...

Phew. It's a pain to keep track, but I'm betting my outcome of this fresh set of 90 days will be 40-60% better than my first round all those months back. Time will tell.

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