Monday, March 02, 2009

March = Starting ChaLEAN Extreme - P90X Hybrid
...all for a winter-spring workout bridge of semi-insanity...

Yes indeed. March is here. It's Monday, and there's, well, an inch or so of snow and ice outside the door. In NC. Yes indeed. Second year in a row for a March snow, and that's just fine with me.

Also time, after feeling sick late last week and some recent travels, to get the workout back on track in a big way.

So, I'm going to change things up. First, I'm adding ChaLEAN Extreme workouts (also from, home of P90X) to the schedule, and mixing in some rough cardio from P90X to keep things churning and burning on my 6 day/week rotation.

Here's my March workouts, first 30 of 90 days on the new hybrid:

Monday: Burn Circuit 1
Tuesday: P90X Plyometrics
Wednesday: Burn Circuit 2
Thursday: Burn Intervals & Ab Burner
Friday: Burn Circuit 3
Saturday: Burn It Off & Recharge
Sunday: P90X Stretch/Rest

Brought it to Burn Circuit 1 this a.m. -- impressions? Easy stuff. Short. (30 mins-ish vs. 60 mins-ish for P90X.) Felt some burn, will bring heavier weights next time. This is certainly the intro phase for those new to a serious program. Will be up to me to max things out while these kids are using 5/10/15 pound weights. My 20's and 30's are going to kick... well, you get the idea.


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